Scott Stilson


You’re saying I should give in to the vernacular?

— Scott


Worse comes to worst, I can go bush hopping: where I live in a bush and when that gets compromised, I hop to the next one. I have four in mind. Though it might be hard to get to the third.

— Éa, discussing the state of politics at the dinner table


Wait, is that a rule? We’re not allowed to have telepathic antecedents?

— Éa, in response to a gentle scold from Scott about a conversation he couldn’t follow


(a phone call while Carla, Éa, and Scott are away for the weekend soccer tournament):

Carla: Hi, Honey! What’s up?
Sullivan, 16: Hi, Mom. Where’s the alcohol?


All my good jeans are inherited.

— Éa


Scott: Hey, no pointing. It makes me nervous.
Sullivan: I wasn’t pointing. I was air-rubbing your teeth.


Carla: There’s a book I wanna read.
Éa: Me, too. But I finished it.


You said it was a long-term plan. So why start now?

— Éa


Carla: Except for Sully. He’s from Venus.
Sullivan: Are you saying beautiful and normally portrayed to non-school groups as naked?


For Christmas, can I have socks? Like, thirty socks. And wrap them all in cash.

— Sullivan


I somehow sneezed up my shorts!

— Sullivan


Oh, that’s just dirt from earlier.

— Éa, coughing


Scott: What needs to happen for a bill to become law?
Éa: Oh, I know! The bill needs to sing a song! 🎵


The nice thing about an airship is that you don’t need a garage.

— Sullivan


I double down when I’m wrong? Wait. When am I ever wrong?

— Éa


You know, whoever came up with the term ‘dad jokes’ has clearly never met my mother.

— Sullivan


Éa: You’re very good at putting buns in. But you’re not very good at sleeping in them.
Carla: Build me up and tear me down! Build me up and tear me down!
Éa: At least you’re even!


I have been undisciplined about having fun the past couple days.

— Scott, rubbing his eyes


Man, that piccolo really makes your biceps pop!

— Sullivan


You’re very American right now. I mean in a good way. Not in an overweight way.

— Éa, replying to Carla, who had just told Éa her outfit was very Swedish


Oh, that? That’s just smooth jazz. Nothing to worry about.

— Sullivan, replying to an inquiry over his headset while playing Minecraft one night


Scott: You can’t touch my face. I’m in quarantine.
Carla: Well, I can punch your face!


[upon realizing that her formerly farsighted right eye is no longer farsighted]

Am I going to get a monocle!?

— Éa, happily


Ooh, I know the website! It starts with ‘hit tips,’ ends with ‘dot com,’ and…something in the middle, but I forget.

— Éa


Carla: [Saint] Paul totally bonked. He was a-bonkin!
Scott: Paul wasn’t bonking.
Carla: C’mon. You know he was bonking!
Scott: You are the strangest Christian wife I could have acquired.