Scott Stilson


Solve your Google storage problem by establishing a second, archival account

Have the folks at Google been trying to sell you a storage subscription because your Google account storage is running full? Is your Gmail the primary taker upper of space? Worry no more! They have provided an alternative solution free of charge: Open a second Google account and then follow the Get only old messages instructions here to effectively turn the second account into an archival repository.

Then delete your wayback emails, now safely archived elsewhere, from the original account by:

  1. searching for all your messages from before a date (e.g.,,
  2. ticking the checkbox column header at top left of the table to select all messages in view,
  3. clicking Select all conversations that match this search to go beyond just the messages in view, and
  4. clicking Delete.

The import process will take several days. Once it’s complete, you’ll want to disconnect the new account from the old one so the new one doesn’t become a second account whose storage space you have to worry about.