Scott Stilson


lollipops of fate ✏️ 🎤 🎵


Either You’re magic, or I’m moody. ✏️ 🎤 🎵


a very effective hedgerow ✏️ 🎤 🎵


Let me look at my tomorrow. ✏️ 🎤 🎵


My head is full of things I do not care bout
Or should not care about, anyway
But the cost of living here
………that’s what they say.

“Quietist!” they cry.
“Rebel!” I reply.
It’s a war for the mind, that’s for sure. ✏️ 🎤 🎵


Latitude, longitude, aye, aye, aye
If your don’t change your attitude, it’s bye, bye, bye


Might makes blight. ✏️ 🎤 🎵


All are welcome! Come on in!
Said the man in the mack with the Tommy gun.
✏️ 🎤 🎵


An unfinished verse about the problem of divine hiddenness

O, invisible God, whom I cannot see,
Please, please reveal Yourself to me.
I don’t understand what you gain by hiding,
Blah-biddy blah, biddy-blah biddy fighting.
But I know You are love, if you are anything all,
Blah-biddy blah, biddy-blah biddy fall.
✏️ 🎤 🎵