Scott Stilson


I can’t sleep at night.
It’s the problem of the heels.
I can’t win this fight.
It wasn’t part of the deal.

All I want is to feel the same
We could be walking on the ocean
But something’s always wrong
✏️ 🎤 🎵


I’ve gotta get a hold on my face ✏️ 🎤 🎵


I don’t want your mollification.
I want your real remorse.
✏️ 🎤 🎵


Your guyline is showing ✏️ 🎤 🎵


May may be merry
Yet September’s the real cherry
✏️ 🎤 🎵


You bring the fog
In the fall a soft fog
And I follow a call
Saying, “Come”
✏️ 🎤 🎵


Bet your scruples have some loopholes ✏️ 🎤 🎵


Ain’t no room for hobbyhorses
In the stables of the Lord
✏️ 🎤 🎵


Mother Nature’s little sister
Taught me everything I know
✏️ 🎤 🎵


Just park right here with the hazards on
I think I’m sure the bastard’s gone
✏️ 🎤 🎵


You find yourself lost ✏️ 🎤 🎵


It’s fine, Babe
It’s fine.
I do it all the time, Babe.
Except I never know what to tell you when I’m done.
✏️ 🎤 🎵


Geez, Steve
We’re gonna need you to leave
We’re just trying get some work done
Please, Steve
Don’t act so bereaved
Can’t you see we’re working under the gun?
✏️ 🎤 🎵


You married him.
He’s always and in all ways gonna stay him.
Means he won’t leave ya,
But he’s prolly gonna grieve ya
Again and again and again.
✏️ 🎤 🎵


Don’t worry
You’ll be the next hard act to follow
✏️ 🎤 🎵


I miss the white pages ✏️ 🎤 🎵


Freeloading days are here again ✏️ 🎤 🎵


A little overkill never hurt anyone
Besides, Babe, I’ve only just begun
✏️ 🎤 🎵


You mighty thing.
I’m sorry.
✏️ 🎤 🎵

It’s hot night in Paris.
I’m dining out with Charis,
Trying to find Polaris
But I can’t.
✏️ 🎤 🎵

Guys, guys, guys, we’ve got the cross hung upside-down!
It’s not a thorn of crowns
That’s the wrong way!
✏️ 🎤 🎵


Pops got his Sunday wrong. ✏️ 🎤 🎵


Veni, vidi, vici
Sure ain’t how it goes
You gotta take your shoes off
Feel the carpet ‘tween your toes
✏️ 🎤 🎵


Your spit gets thick
And you’re not sure why you came
The players seems nice
But it’s not your game
✏️ 🎤 🎵


Your spit gets thick ✏️ 🎤 🎵