Scott Stilson


May may be merry
Yet September’s the real cherry
✏️ 🎤 🎵


Mother Nature’s little sister
Taught me everything I know
✏️ 🎤 🎵


Most metonymy is a mistake.


“She was half a girl and half a flower[.]”

— F. Scott Fitzgerald, of the first titular character in “Rags Martin-Jones and the Pr-nce of W-les” (1924)


Remember: Jon Levenson says that the controlling metaphor in the Hebrew Bible for the relationship between Israel and YHWH is that of a suzerain and vassal or a king and subject and that love from the Israel side is therefore primarily expressed as glad, grateful obedience. When we say we’re going to love the Lord our God with our all hearts, minds, souls, and strengths, what we’re saying is we’re going to gladly obey Him with all of ourselves.


You’re more helpful than a rabid dog!

— Sullivan, thanking a friend who was helping clean up


Your bellybutton looks a bit like Moshulu’s butt.

— Sullivan, comparing Scott’s navel to our calico’s anus


“I’m as warm as a peacock!”

— Éa [context forgotten]