Scott Stilson


Scott [discussing trends in interior design] : Our culture…we highly prize…clean.
Carla: Yeah…it’s disgusting.


The wind and snow were whipping around my house like a SNOW-NADO!

— Sullivan in his weather journal for school


Mommy, I love music more than chocolate chips, more than cookies, and more than princesses and beautiful ponies.

— Éa on hearing Vanhal’s Double Bass Concerto in E flat major on WPSU in the car with Carla


Carla: He looks like the beggar at the Beautiful Gate.
Éa: Who?
Scott: One of the people Jesus healed. One of many.
Éa: Killed?
Scott: HEALED.
Carla: And THAT. is why I don’t want our children to read Bible stories yet.


Carla [upon delivery of Éa’s dessert at Sips Bistro]: Bon appétit!
Éa [correcting her]: Bon appé-YUM!


I do not use trash cans as places to store stuff any more.

— Scott, defending himself when challenged to report why the children’s not-yet-empty toothpaste was sitting in the garbage


Carla: Oh my God, living with you is like living in a legal document!
Scott: Oh my god, living with you is like living in oatmeal!


Scott: Éa, would you mind if I put on some tunes?
Éa: Yeah.
Scott [to clarify]: Should I put on some tunes?
Éa: Yeah.
Scott: Any objections anyone?
Éa: Tunes! But don’t put on any objections!


I want one of those ballet shirts with a butt and a labia.

— Éa, in reference to buying a leotard


Scott: Sullivan, I’ve been meaning to talk with you about your reading habits.
Sullivan: You’ll never stop me.


Éa: [making small talk] What’s your Stilson?
Lindsay: Pelz. [the correct answer]


Carla: [playfully flicks dishwater at Scott]
Scott: What did I do to deserve that?
Carla: You married me.


Hey, it was definitely hard, but I really enjoyed spending time with you this evening.

— Scott, to Carla


Carla: It’s 7:57.
Scott: What!? Already?
Carla: I know. Like, what the fUuuuuuUuuck? [moment of silence] Sometimes I say that just to assert my adulthood.


Daddy, no you don’t go to work! Éa and I go to work! [pause] Oh. Well, I guess if Éa and I were the one who went to work, we’d be poor.

— Sullivan, in a gradually self-aware attempt to keep Scott from going to work that day


Birthday card drawn by Scott Stilson’s son at age five featuring a black-capped chickadee

The front cover of a birthday card Sullivan drew for Cassie’s birthday. Featuring a black-capped chickadee drawn from a photo.


Yeah, but I got two in a row.

— Sullivan, after losing at tic-tac-toe to Grandpa


Carla: Wow, it looks like it was cold last night.
Sullivan: Well, I was as warm as a bear slumbering in the basement.


If I were married to myself, I’d be divorced.

— Carla


Carla: I’ve gotta get in shape for the wedding. Scott: Whoa. Weird. Normal woman-talk just came out of my wife’s mouth.


Once it got to more abstract levels, I got interested.

— Scott, causing laughter in Carla for reasons that shall remain unmentioned


Éa: Daddy, Daddy, I forgot something.
Scott: Oh, what?
Éa: I forget.


My daughter was over the other day when Scott pulled into your driveway with the kids. As Sullivan was getting out, she said, “Ma! That boy has no coat on!” I said, “You’re lucky he has shoes on.” Then Éa came out of the car…

— Neighbor Janet


Don’t forget to felt your scroll saw.

— Carla, pretending to be Scott prompting her to keep up with making a Christmas present


I tried Foursquare again last week. I’ve got to stop. I’m like a dog returning to its vomit.

— Scott