Scott Stilson


Worse comes to worst, I can go bush hopping: where I live in a bush and when that gets compromised, I hop to the next one. I have four in mind. Though it might be hard to get to the third.

— Éa, discussing the state of politics at the dinner table


Wait, is that a rule? We’re not allowed to have telepathic antecedents?

— Éa, in response to a gentle scold from Scott about a conversation he couldn’t follow


lollipops of fate ✏️ 🎤 🎵


All my good jeans are inherited.

— Éa


Carla: There’s a book I wanna read.
Éa: Me, too. But I finished it.


Oh, that’s just dirt from earlier.

— Éa, coughing


Scott: What needs to happen for a bill to become law?
Éa: Oh, I know! The bill needs to sing a song! 🎵


I double down when I’m wrong? Wait. When am I ever wrong?

— Éa


Éa: You’re very good at putting buns in. But you’re not very good at sleeping in them.
Carla: Build me up and tear me down! Build me up and tear me down!
Éa: At least you’re even!


You’re very American right now. I mean in a good way. Not in an overweight way.

— Éa, replying to Carla, who had just told Éa her outfit was very Swedish


[upon realizing that her formerly farsighted right eye is no longer farsighted]

Am I going to get a monocle!?

— Éa, happily


Ooh, I know the website! It starts with ‘hit tips,’ ends with ‘dot com,’ and…something in the middle, but I forget.

— Éa


I just asked Éa how she thinks she is at math. She said “Okay.” (Sullivan replied, about himself, “Super good.”) This kid scored at the 99th percentile at her last math MAP test. So I told her, “Éa, you are super-good at math” and later, “You are amazing at math.”


Ugh! I have so many things to think about, but my thinker isn’t big enough!

— Éa


Shots don’t scare me. I could poke needles into my skin all day if it didn’t hurt.

— Éa


“Littering fine”? They think littering’s fine?

— Éa


Éa [doing math]: Mom, is two minus six plus ten six?
Carla: Umm…wait a minute…
Éa: Also known as twelve minus six equals six.
Scott: Umm…wait…


Carla, after a long evening trimming the hedges: Whew, that was a lot of work. Éa, when you grow up, do you want to be the man of the house?
Éa, matter of factly: I hope so.


Don’t worry: The water on the floor is tears.

— Éa


[after Éa enters the room having found a book that had been lost for a year and half]

Carla: Oh, Éa, where did you find it?! Éa: It was where all the lost books are: in a responsible place! 📚


Éa: So when I was on my way home from the park, and old man and an old woman were walking on the path and they said, “Are you all by yourself?” So I told them, “Um, no my mom said my brother and I could go to the park and she’s just right over there,” and I pointed to my house.

Carla: But I didn’t know you were going to the park. You didn’t tell me.

Éa: I know. It was just the easiest way to get a worried old man and and old woman out of my way.


Éa: I really like Country Inn & Suits [sic].
Scott: Oh, what do you like about it?
Éa: It has pools. It has Mimi and Grandpa sometimes.


Even though my feet ache, I’m still gonna rock and shake!

— Éa, in the middle of a marathon of energetic dancing at Megan’s wedding


Scott: Are any of my accents good?
Éa: Well, I don’t like them, so I don’t know.


Scott: So, Sullivan what laws of physics do you know?
Sullivan: Newton’s laws of physics!
Éa: Nudists know all physics?