Scott Stilson


I am a post-evangelical, post-Charismatic, post-congregational Christian. I was born and raised in the Philadelphia suburbs but have lived in Happy Valley since coming here in 2000. I have enjoyed having a wiser, more intuitive better half since 2004. She and I have collaborated since 2007 on the creation of two replicants of whom we’re very proud. I am a desk jockey. I am a generalist and a dilettante. I really like walking and talking.

This (mostly micro-)blog is meant to contain (or sometimes just link to) everything I write that seems fit for public perusal as well as to relay many things I fancy. For an overview of the categories of things I post, head to the archive page.

I write for the fun of it. I also write in hopes that what I write is of referential benefit or delight to my future self. I blog, rather than merely journal exclusively privately, in hopes that what I write be of similar good to my readers, whom I mostly intend to be people I already know. (I do not blog in hopes of initiating online discussions. Did I mention I like walking and talking?) I also blog instead of merely journaling by way of disciplining myself to articulate well, again in hopes of maximizing their benefit to my future self and to others.

To have what I post here come to you instead of you having to keep coming back here to get it, you might consider subscribing to:

Finally, since I have nowhere else to put it, here’s a list of links to other stuff of mine: